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Read more...Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Football Manager 2010 - Game Description
Football Manager 2010 features new tools and changes across the board including some big additions to improve ease of use, navigation and feedback from the game with the introduction of a brand new match tactics system, the debut of a Match Analysis tool, a completely new look and new User Interface among other features.
The introduction of a Tactics Creator makes it easier to instruct the team to play the way the manager wants, alongside the introduction of touchline 'shouts' and quick tactic changes for instantly altering your team's playing style during the match. Working with coaches from various levels of football, alongside some of the Football Manager community's most respected independent tacticians, the game now has an extensive array of pre-set tactical options allowing the user to select a player's role in the team (such as 'Ball winning midfielder' or 'Deep lying playmaker'), however the option to use the old 'slider' controls remains.
Feedback from matches has been improved to give the user better insight into where their team is going wrong, or right. A new Match Analysis tool lets players see where shots, passes, crosses, headers, tackles, fouls and interceptions have been made on the field for all players on the pitch. Managers can view this analysis both live in-game and post match, allowing them to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of both their team and their opponent's and adjust their tactics accordingly.
Football Manager 2010 features a brand new User Interface, with a light and a dark skin to choose from as part of a vibrant new look and has undergone a complete navigational overhaul. The side bar navigation of previous years has been replaced by an intuitive tab system at the top of the screen, making Football Manager's famed depth easier to navigate and will make the game more accessible to new players.
A brand new Data Editor will allow the addition of new divisions to existing leagues and of entirely new leagues as well as making it easier than ever to keep the game up to date, and do so for free. The delivery of information to the manager has been refined with users now able to sign up to the News Centre, an in-game subscription based newspaper that lets you get the news that you want about the football world and filter out the stories that you do not need, making the football world as immersive as you want it to be.
Following the debut of a 3D match view in Football Manager 2009, this year's release sees a revamp with improved AI, over 100 new animations for the 3D pitch view, new stadiums, crowds, realistic pitch degradation and better lighting, creating an even more realistic match experience.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
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* http://www.000webhost.com
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* http://www.awesomewebspace.com
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Daftar Situs Penyedia Uang di BLOG
1) CPC
AdultAds AdBrite AdKnowledge BidVertiser ChitikaClicksor Google Adsense Hyper Bidder KonteraKanoodle Mamma Media Solutions Net Klix Oxado QuigoRevenuePilot TextLinkAds Yahoo Publisher Network
2) CPM
24/7 RealMedia Popup Traffic AdAgency 1 AdDynamix Adsmart AdtegrityAccelerator Media BannerConnect BardzoMediaBlueLithium Burst Media CPX Interactive Casale MediaEsource Media Etype-Europe EtypeUSA Valueclick MediaInterclick JoeTec RealTech NetworkRightMedia Tremor Network Tribal Fusion
3) CPA
Advaliant.com Advertising.com AffiliateFuture AzoogleAdsClickBooth BlueFN ClickXchange Commission Junction CPA Lead FluxAds IncentaClick LinkShare MaxBounty More Niche Neverblue Pepperjam Network ShareAShare Traffic Marketplace
Nama Situs yang menggunakan huruf lebih tebal/BOLD berarti situs yang sering digunakan oleh orang lain.
Read more...13 Cara Menghasilkan Uang Dgn Blog Berbahasa Indonesia
PPC / CPC = Pay Per Click / Cost Per Click (Anda akan dibayar setiap kali iklan anda di klik)
CPM = Cost Per Thousand (M = 1000 angka romawi, Anda akan dibayar berdasarkan jumlah impresi iklan yang dilihat oleh pengunjung Anda (bukan berdasarkan klik pengunjung)
PPA / CPA = Pay Per Action / Cost Per Action ( Anda akan dibayar jika pengunjung blog Anda melakukan pembelian melalui banner link affiliasi tersebut atau memasang iklan)
1. Menampilkan Iklan PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Domestik
Saat ini setidaknya sudah ada 4 pelaku bisnis PPC domestik di Indonesia, yaitu KlikSaya.com, KumpulBlogger, PPCIndo dan IndoFad. Dengan menjadi publisher program-program PPC domestik, Anda bisa menampilkan iklan berbahasa Indonesia dan mendapatkan komisi (tentu dalam rupiah) jika iklan tersebut di-klik oleh pengunjung blog Anda. Anda bisa menggunakan link-link dibawah ini jika ingin mendaftar program-program PPC domestik tersebut (jangan khawatir, tidak ada link affiliasi saya di link tersebut).
Klik disini untuk mendaftar KlikSaya.com
Klik disini untuk mendaftar KumpulBlogger
Klik disini untuk mendaftar PPCIndo
Klik disini untuk mendaftar IndoFad
2. Menampilkan Iklan PPC Asing (hanya yang berbasis CPM)
Pilihan kedua adalah menampilkan iklan PPC asing yang berbasis impresi. Dengan menampilkan iklan PPC berbasis impresi di blog Anda (ya, blog berbahasa Indonesia pun bisa), Anda akan mendapatkan komisi berdasarkan jumlah impresi iklan yang dilihat oleh pengunjung Anda (bukan berdasarkan klik pengunjung). Semakin banyak pengunjung blog Anda, tentu semakin besar pula impresi iklan yang Anda dapatkan. Program PPC asing berbasis CPM atau impresi bisa Anda dapatkan informasinya melalui link AdTalks.com ini.
3. Menampilkan Banner Program Affiliasi Asing
Ada banyak sekali program affiliasi yang bisa Anda ikuti. Untuk lebih lengkapnya, silahkan buka link Monetisasi Blog Anda: (3) Program Paid-to-Affiliate. Meskipun bukan cara terbaik, menampilkan banner link affiliasi berukuran 125X125 di bagian Sponsor blog Anda bisa menjadi pilihan monetisasi blog berbahasa Indonesia. Jika pengunjung blog Anda melakukan pembelian melalui banner link affiliasi tersebut, Anda akan mendapatkan sejumlah komisi.
4. Menampilkan Banner Program Affiliasi Domestik
Selain program affiliasi asing, saat ini juga sudah banyak program-program affiliasi domestik yang bisa Anda manfaatkan sebagai sarana monetisasi blog Anda. Dengan cara yang sama - menampilkan banner link affiliasi domestik - Anda memiliki peluang untuk mendulang uang melalui blog Anda. Sejumlah pengelola web hosting lokal memiliki program affiliasi yang bisa Anda ikuti dan promosikan di blog Anda.
Membuat USB Flash Disk menjadi Bootable
1) Bila Memiliki Floppy disk.
- Download boot98se.exe dari http://www.bootdisk.com
- Masukkan floppy disk ke dalam floppy drive ke dalam drive a
- Install HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool Version 2.0.6 yang bisa anda dapatkan DISINI
- Jalankan software HP Format USB Utility.
- Format USB anda dan centang/pilih Create a DOS startup disk serta tick using DOS system Files located at A:\
- Klik Start jika sudah siap. Tunggu sampai proses selesai
- USB siap digunakan.
2) Bila Tidak memiliki floppy disk.
- Install HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool Version 2.0.6 yang bisa anda dapatkan DISINI
- Jalankan software HP Format USB Utility.
- Download file MS Dos File System
- Extract dan put this files somewhere.
- Jalankan software HP Format USB Utility.
- Format USB anda dan tick Create a DOS startup disk serta tick using DOS system Files located at dan arahkan file msdos system files yang terdapat di folder tempat anda menyimpan.
- Klik Start jika sudah siap. Tunggu sampai proses selesai
- USB siap digunakan
Monday, August 3, 2009
Konfigurasi Boot Option pada Dual Boot XP-Vista
Jika komputer Anda menggunakan dua sistem operasi (operating system/OS) sekaligus, dalam hal ini sistem operasi buatan Microsoft, yaitu Windows XP dan Windows Vista, Anda akan menemukan pilihan boot yang cukup mengganggu, di mana Windows XP akan tertulis “Earlier Version of Windows” di daftar menu pilihan booting-nya. Jika pada model dual boot sebelumnya (misal antara Windows 98SE dengan Windows XP), Anda dapat melakukan konfigurasi dengan memodifikasi file boot.ini, maka di model yang sekarang cara ini tidak berlaku lagi. Diperlukan teknik khusus untuk melakukan perubahan pilihan boot. Di dalam Windows Vista telah disediakan fasilitas yang bernama “bcdedit.exe“. Memang cara ini relatif sedikit lebih sulit ketimbang cara sebelumnya. Cara ini lebih membutuhkan sedikit teknik hacking. Bagaimana tidak, sebelum memulainya, seseorang harus berlaku sebagai administrator terlebih dahulu, dan menggunakan Command prompt untuk menjalankannya. Artikel ini akan memaparkan langkah-langkah konfigurasi boot option nya, terutama mengubah tulisan yang relatif mengganggu tersebut di atas. Ini dia langkah-langkahnya.
Jalankan Command Prompt sebagai Administrator (klik-kanan Command Prompt – Run as Administrator)
Jalankan perintah berikut ini untuk melihat status pilihan booting.
Anda akan mendapati tampilan seperti berikut (pilihan booting original):
D:\Users\efhape> bcdedit
Windows Boot Manager
identifier {bootmgr}
device partition=C:
description Windows Boot Manager
locale en-US
inherit {globalsettings}
default {current}
displayorder {ntldr}
toolsdisplayorder {memdiag}
timeout 30
Windows Legacy OS Loader
identifier {ntldr}
device partition=C:
path \ntldr
description Earlier Version of Windows
Windows Boot Loader
identifier {current}
device partition=D:
path \Windows\system32\winload.exe
description Microsoft Windows Vista
locale en-US
inherit {bootloadersettings}
osdevice partition=D:
systemroot \Windows
resumeobject {1ecfd635-a8ea-11db-bb9b-ddf07c6aaff1}
nx OptIn
Tidak perlu resah dan bingung, apalagi terbelalak! Tampilan seperti di atas adalah tampilan yang semestinya. Jika tidak muncul seperti itu malah komputer Anda yang patut dipertanyakan. Jangan-jangan komputer Anda belum lunas… :)
Dari tampilan tersebut yang cukup diperhatikan adalah baris yang terdapat kata-kata: â€Å“description Earlier Version of Windowsâ€, dan baris di dekatnya. Baris yang lain anggaplah tidak ada.
Untuk memodifikasinya gunakan perintah dengan pola:
bcdedit /set {nama_pengenal} nama_parameter “kata_pengganti”
Sebagai contoh, jika ingin mengganti nama Windows XP Anda dari â€Å“Earlier Version…†menjadi â€Å“XP Pro Service Pack 2†gunakan perintah:
Jika ingin mengganti OS defaultnya menjadi Windows XP, pakai perintah:
Kemudian ketik:
untuk melihat perubahannya.
Yang perlu Anda ingat adalah, dalam menjalankan Command Prompt, Anda harus login sebagai Administrator, yaitu dengan klik-kanan shortcut dari Command Prompt, dan pilih Run as Administrator.
Untuk bantuan dan melihat perintah/parameter yang ada di sana, ketik:
bcdedit /help atau bcdedit /?
Selamat Mencoba!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
TheWorld Browser 3.0 Final
Publisher's Description
TheWorld Browser is a tiny, fast, yet free, secure and powerful web browser. It features multi-tabbed with multi-threaded frame browser. TheWorld Browser is compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer.
TheWorld Browser has a new, powerful multi-threaded window frame, which prevents the browser from being out of response. If a webpage is out of response, the others will not be affected.
* Resource Usage Control - With advanced Mixed Process Mode, Memory usage will not remains very high after a long period of time.
* Anti-Crash, Anti-Freezing - The excellent framework that separates the web page and ui window. It can drastically avoid the freezing or crash because of the problem web pages.
* A High Speed - The intelligent function of Performance Optimize can reduce both CPU usage and memory usage significantly, which makes your TheWorld runs with a higher speed.
* Private Browsing - From now on, don't be afraid that web pages you browsed will be seen by other people.
* Skin & Color Changes - You can change personalized skins freely. moreover you can change the color of TheWorld as you wish.
* Enhanced Download - Enhanced downloader is tiny and practical. It supports functions such as multi-session and resumable download. it`s a good helper for surfing the web.
Publisher's Description
Explorer++ is a free multi-tab file manager for Windows. Available on Windows XP and above, it features the same familiar interface as Windows Explorer, while introducing several enhancements and improvements for a much richer file browsing experience.
Feature list:
* Browse both real and virtual folders.
* Tabbed browsing for easy management of multiple folders.
* Display window shows previews of images as they are selected.
* Easy-to-remember keyboard shortcuts for quick navigation.
* Customizable user interface.
* Full drag-and-drop support with other applications, including Windows Explorer.
* Advanced file operations such as merging and splitting supported.
What's New in version
New features:
* Explorer++ can now be used in place of Explorer for filesystem folders by selecting 'Replace Explorer for filesystem folders' in the 'Options' dialog (requires Administrator privileges).
* The positions of the main toolbars are now saved and restored between sessions.
* Folders can now be dragged onto the bookmarks toolbar directly.
* Files can now be dragged onto the applications toolbar directly.
* Icons are automatically updated when a file association changes.
* Any file that can be previewed in Explorer can now be previewed in Explorer++.
* Pasted files are now selected upon creation (provided no other files are selected).
* The apps key can now be used to show the main context menu.
* Enabled drag and drop modifier keys for the tree view.
* Right clicking the listview header in details mode will now bring up a context menu, which allows columns to be easily turned on and off.
* The user's name can now be shown in the main title bar.
* The 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' buttons in the 'Organize Bookmarks' dialog now work.
* File previews in the display window can now be turned on or off using the 'Show file previews in display window' setting in the 'Options' dialog.
* F6 and Shift+F6 can now be used to cycle through each window.
* Ctrl+Enter will now open the selected folder in a new tab.
* Ctrl+F4 can now be used to close the current tab.
* Ctrl+Shift+P will now copy the current folders path to the clipboard.
Bug fixes:
* When a new file was created, it would not always be put into rename mode automatically [Windows XP only].
* Previously, the right click context menu would not be shown for some items. Fixed.
* Fixed listview positioning bug.
* If file extensions were hidden, and a filename started with a dot, no text would be shown for that item.
* If file extensions were hidden in Explorer, they would be hidden in Explorer++ as well, regardless of settings. Fixed.
* Drives are now added/removed correctly from the listview, treeview and drives toolbar.
* If a cd/dvd was inserted/removed, the entire drive would be added/removed, even though the physical device had not changed. Fixed.
* Files are now sorted using natural sort order (e.g. file2.txt comes before file19.txt).
* If the folders pane had focus, and an item was selected, the file associated menus (such as properties) would be disabled incorrectly. Fixed.
* Fixed several memory leaks.
* Improved synchronization in details mode.
* Improvements made to thumbnails mode.
* Fixed window size issue.
* Fixed address bar path issue.
* Fixed thumbnail image positioning error.
* Fixed back/forward menu bug.
* Fied directory monitoring bug.
* In details mode, if the first column was removed and then added again, the other columns would not be shifted correctly.
* Items on the "Send to" context submenu may not have worked correctly. Fixed.
* Fixed drag and drop bug.
* The format of the time and date fields now follows the system time and date format.
* Clicking the views button on the main toolbar now cycles between the various views, rather than showing the drop-down menu.
* A small delay has been added to the time between when a file is dragged over a tab, and focus is switched to that tab.
* There is now a confirmation dialog shown when deleting a bookmark.
* In empty folders viewed in details mode, each column now has its width set to a default value.
Danys Virtual Drum 2.0 Alpha 10
Publisher's Description
A realistic drum simulator that features a number of effects and allows you to record your drum session.
* Is totally free!
* Various key sets for all!
* Realistic sound effects!
* Nice graphics effects!
* Contains a lot of musical bases!
* You can record your video or your song!
System Requirements:
* A processor with 800Mhz or better;
* A monitor with 1024x768 of resolution minmium;
* 512mb of ram (1gb is a lot better);
* Windows 98/ME/XP/VISTA;
* A sound card compatible with Directx8.
What's New in version 2.0 Alpha 10:
* Reduce crash shading and add snare shading effect;
* added 4tn & 5tn keys in blue keys set;
* added an "utilities helper";
* convert all sounds to 48000hz (better quality).
* menu graphic improvement;
* various sounds fix.
Vista Sidebar 3.0.1
Publisher's Description
Vista sidebar for Microsoft Windows XP and Vista has gadgets like media players, google search, yahoo search and lots of more search engines. It has also gadgets like weather and system uptime and lots of more useful gadgets.
The sidebar uses 50% less RAM and is faster than the original Microsoft Sidebar with more extras and works on Microsoft Windows Vista and XP. Thoosje´s Vista Sidebar is also part of the Vista Transformation Pack that turns your XP OS into Windows Vista.
What's New in version 3.0.1:
* Added - Gmail support Mail Gadget.
* Added - Forecast possition saving.
* Fixed - Skin Switcher.
* Fixed - Add/Delete RSS feed.
* Fixed - RSS on load connection bug.
* Added - Pathwrite for skinpacks.
* Fixed - Date's where missing.
* Fixed - Selected day of week.
* Fixed - Secure registry saving.
* Fixed - Clock saving possition.
* Updated - Registry script V1 to V2.
* Updated - Calculator Skin.
* Fixed - WiFi connection prompt.
* Fixed - WiFi menu (disappearance).
* Fixed - Dead links & menu items.
Size: 5.73MB
Publisher: Visit Website
Release Date: 2009-07-10
Submit Date: 2009-07-10
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Downloads: 125040
Popularity: 3/10
Friday, June 12, 2009
PCLinuxOS 2009
PCLinuxOS 2009 diturunkan dari distro PCLinuxOS (varian Mandriva) yang dikenal mudah dalam penggunaannya untuk pemula Linux.
PCLOS bisa langsung dipergunakan tanpa harus diinstal terlebih dahulu. Namun jika diperlukan, nantinya Anda dapat menginstal ke harddisk, bahkan sekalipun dalam harddisk itu sudah terdapat sistem operasi lain (misal Windows XP).
Jika Anda bisa menggunakan dan menggerakkan mouse, sekalipun Anda belum pernah mengenal Linux, dijamin Anda akan bisa menggunakan PCLOS dengan amat sangat mudah, sama mudahnya dengan menggunakan sistem operasi Windows.
Anda tetap bisa menggunakan dokumen-dokumen yang dibuat dengan program berbasis Windows, seperti Word (.doc), Excel (.xls), Powerpoint (.ppt), Photoshop (.psd), Acrobat (.pdf), dan lain-lain. Bahkan menariknya Anda juga bisa menyimpan dokumen tersebut tetap dalam format aslinya (.doc, . xls, .ppt) untuk kemudian dibaca di komputer berbasis Windows.
Selain kompatibel dengan dokumen berbasis Windows, Andapun masih bisa merasakan suasana Windows. Mulai dari adanya style desktop Windows XP / Vista), Wine sebagai emulator program Windows, Samba untuk koneksi ke Windows, VirtualBox atau Qemu untuk menjalankan Windows di Linux, read/write partisi Windows, sampai viewer file help Windows. Sayangnya, Anda tidak akan bisa menemukan virus Windows di Linux )
Anda akan menemukan banyak program dari berbagai kategori yang bisa digunakan secara bebas tanpa perlu membayar biaya lisensi lagi. Hampir semua jenis program yang Anda perlukan akan bisa ditemui, mulai dari kategori 3D, Office, Game Online / Offline, Graphic, Sound, Video, Internet, Database, dll. Terbukti, software legal tidak selalu harus lebih mahal dari software bajakan.
Anda bisa menggunakannya pada komputer dengan spesifikasi yang ringan. Adapun kebutuhan minimal dan yang direkomendasikan adalah :
Kebutuhan Minimal : Processor P III, Memori >= 256 Mb, Harddisk >= 2Gb, VGA = - Rekomendasi : Processor P IV, Memori >= 512 Mb, Harddisk >= 10Gb, VGA = Intel, Nvidia, ATI.
Fitur utama PCLinuxOS 2009.1 termasuk:
* KDE (K Desktop Environment) 3.5.10
* OpenOffice.org 3.0.0
* Mozilla Firefox 3.0.7 web browser
* Mozilla Thunderbird email client
* Ktorrent 2.2.26
* Frostwire P2P (peer-to-peer) client
* Amarok 1.4.10
* Kaffeine 0.8.7
* Flash
* Java JRE
* 3D effects with Compiz-Fusion
* Linux kernel
Free n Easy Webhosting
Thursday, June 11, 2009
AVG Free Edition 8.5.364 Grisoft Inc - 62.73MB (Freeware)
AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is trusted antivirus and antispyware protection for Windows available to download for free. In addition, the new included LinkScanner® Active Surf-Shield checks web pages for threats at the only time that matters – when you're about to click that link.
AVG Anti-Virus Free has these following features:
* Award-winning antivirus and antispyware
* Real-time safe internet surfing and searching
* Quality proven by 80 million of users
* Easy to download, install and use
* Protection against viruses and spyware
* Compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP
AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is only available for single computer use for home and non commercial use.
Latest Version
Saturday, June 6, 2009
PeaZip Portable 2.6.1
PeaZip Portable is the easy to use PeaZip file archiver packaged as a portable app, so you can take your file archiver with you and work with your compressed 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, RAR files and more on the go.
Edit, save and restore archive layouts
Supported formats:
Pack / unpack: 7Z, ARC, BZ2, GZ, PAQ/LPAQ, PEA, QUAD, TAR, UPX, and ZIP
Unpack only: ACE, ARJ, CAB, DEB, ISO, LHA, RAR, RPM and more archive types...
Apply multiple filters to archive contents
Archive splitting and joining
Encryption and secure deletion
File comparison and checksum / hash (CRC, MD5, SHA...)
Download Here
DVD Slideshow GUI
DVD slideshow GUI offers a very simple way to make your own slideshows. Just import your images, export them as an authored DVD-image(.iso) and burn it!
But DVD slideshow GUI offers much more:
180 different types of transitions.
Animate your overlapping images using zoom, pan and rotate.
Add videos(avi/avs) to you slideshow.
Add music, motion backgrounds, borders and subtitles.
Export to dvd video, dvd audio, dvd chapters, dvd subtitles, avi, flash, avisynth script, storyboards, single images with backgrounds, etc.
You can even make and add your own transitions(grayscale bitmaps or in avisynth code) and Post effects(avisynth code) and share them through the forum.
Import any type of image, any size.
Change image order move, copy, paste for one or more slides.
Code your own avisynth transitions.
Random transition.
Add your own avisynth, Free Frame, Photoshop CHA/AMP effects.
Import Exif data with photos.
What's New in version
More Presets window optimations.
Code clean up.
Max subtitle length: 168
Monday, June 1, 2009
setelah lama belajar ngeblog akhirnya sekarang saatnya belajar bikin website beneran...
berhubung masih belajar saya coba2 dulu pake webhosting gratisan.
WOOOOOOOOOOOWWW.....kaget dah saya, ternyata biar gratis 000webhost.com itu menyediakan fasilitas yang ga kalah dibanding hosting2 berbayar.
saya jamin anda -anda ga bakalan kecewa dengan webhosting gratis yang satu ini....
yang mau coba,gabung aja langsung ke 000webhost.com di sini
goooooo...jadi deh website bikinan sendiri,bukan sekedar BLOG.
setelah lama belajar ngeblog akhirnya sekarang saatnya belajar bikin website beneran...
berhubung masih belajar saya coba2 dulu pake webhosting gratisan.
WOOOOOOOOOOOWWW.....kaget dah saya, ternyata biar gratis 000webhost.com itu menyediakan fasilitas yang ga kalah dibanding hosting2 berbayar.
saya jamin anda -anda ga bakalan kecewa dengan webhosting gratis yang satu ini....
yang mau coba,gabung aja langsung ke 000webhost.com di sini
goooooo...jadi deh website bikinan sendiri,bukan sekedar BLOG.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Download Hide-IP-Browser
Using Hide-IP-Browser
Hide-IP-Browser is for PRIVACY only. Any use of the software for illegal or malicious purposes is a violation of our licensing agreement.
This product incorporate/utilize cryptographic algorithms which may be regulated (e.g., subject to export/import control regulations) or illegal in some countries. By downloading any of these products you signify that you agree that it is solely your responsibility to verify that it is legal/allowed to import and/or export and/or use the product in countries where you intend to use the product and/or to which you intend to import it and/or from which you intend to export it, and that it is solely your responsibility to comply with any such regulations/restrictions. By installing the product you further signify that you agree to indemnify, defend and hold us and our partners harmless from/against any liability, loss, damages, claims or causes of action, arising out of your import/export/use of the product.
You agree that your use of software will be limited to online privacy. You further agree that all software use will be in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws. You will not use software to send unsolicited email, violate another website's terms of use, or for any other illegal or malicious purpose. You agree to consult an attorney if you are unaware of all relevant issues and requirements.
The developers, owners, and distributors (hereafter "owners") of this software are not liable for any violations by you, or losses incurred by you as a result of using the software. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold the owners of this program harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, costs, attorneys' fees, or other expenses.
Registering Hide-IP-Browser
Hide-IP-Browser.com grants you a single, non-exclusive license to use the Hide-IP-Browser provided you agree to abide by the terms of this Agreement. Only one user is authorized to use the Hide-IP-Browser on one computer at a time (and not by more than one individual via a network).
You acknowledge that you do not become the owner of Hide-IP-Browser (software, programs and/or documentation). You agree not to transfer, rent, lease, resell, sub-license, reverse engineer, modify, translate, or share the Hide-IP-Browser, diskettes, or manual with any other person or firm.
While efforts are made to deliver high quality products, we do not guarantee software to be free from defects. The software is provided "as is", and you use the software at your own risk. We make no warranties as to performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Under no circumstances shall owners of software be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use, misuse, or inability to use this software, including without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, even if Hide-IP-Browser.com has been advised of the possibility of such damages. You are solely responsible for adequate protection and backup of the data and equipment used in connection with this software.
Download Hide-IP-Browser
Download Hide-IP-Browser
Direct download link http://www.hide-ip-browser.com/hide-ip-browser.exe
Using Hide-IP-Browser
Hide-IP-Browser is for PRIVACY only. Any use of the software for illegal or malicious purposes is a violation of our licensing agreement.
This product incorporate/utilize cryptographic algorithms which may be regulated (e.g., subject to export/import control regulations) or illegal in some countries. By downloading any of these products you signify that you agree that it is solely your responsibility to verify that it is legal/allowed to import and/or export and/or use the product in countries where you intend to use the product and/or to which you intend to import it and/or from which you intend to export it, and that it is solely your responsibility to comply with any such regulations/restrictions. By installing the product you further signify that you agree to indemnify, defend and hold us and our partners harmless from/against any liability, loss, damages, claims or causes of action, arising out of your import/export/use of the product.
You agree that your use of software will be limited to online privacy. You further agree that all software use will be in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws. You will not use software to send unsolicited email, violate another website's terms of use, or for any other illegal or malicious purpose. You agree to consult an attorney if you are unaware of all relevant issues and requirements.
The developers, owners, and distributors (hereafter "owners") of this software are not liable for any violations by you, or losses incurred by you as a result of using the software. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold the owners of this program harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, costs, attorneys' fees, or other expenses.
Registering Hide-IP-Browser
Hide-IP-Browser.com grants you a single, non-exclusive license to use the Hide-IP-Browser provided you agree to abide by the terms of this Agreement. Only one user is authorized to use the Hide-IP-Browser on one computer at a time (and not by more than one individual via a network).
You acknowledge that you do not become the owner of Hide-IP-Browser (software, programs and/or documentation). You agree not to transfer, rent, lease, resell, sub-license, reverse engineer, modify, translate, or share the Hide-IP-Browser, diskettes, or manual with any other person or firm.
While efforts are made to deliver high quality products, we do not guarantee software to be free from defects. The software is provided "as is", and you use the software at your own risk. We make no warranties as to performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Under no circumstances shall owners of software be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use, misuse, or inability to use this software, including without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, even if Hide-IP-Browser.com has been advised of the possibility of such damages. You are solely responsible for adequate protection and backup of the data and equipment used in connection with this software.
Download Hide-IP-Browser
Download Hide-IP-Browser
Direct download link http://www.hide-ip-browser.com/hide-ip-browser.exe
Using Hide-IP-Browser
Hide-IP-Browser is for PRIVACY only. Any use of the software for illegal or malicious purposes is a violation of our licensing agreement.
This product incorporate/utilize cryptographic algorithms which may be regulated (e.g., subject to export/import control regulations) or illegal in some countries. By downloading any of these products you signify that you agree that it is solely your responsibility to verify that it is legal/allowed to import and/or export and/or use the product in countries where you intend to use the product and/or to which you intend to import it and/or from which you intend to export it, and that it is solely your responsibility to comply with any such regulations/restrictions. By installing the product you further signify that you agree to indemnify, defend and hold us and our partners harmless from/against any liability, loss, damages, claims or causes of action, arising out of your import/export/use of the product.
You agree that your use of software will be limited to online privacy. You further agree that all software use will be in compliance with all local, state, and federal laws. You will not use software to send unsolicited email, violate another website's terms of use, or for any other illegal or malicious purpose. You agree to consult an attorney if you are unaware of all relevant issues and requirements.
The developers, owners, and distributors (hereafter "owners") of this software are not liable for any violations by you, or losses incurred by you as a result of using the software. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold the owners of this program harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, costs, attorneys' fees, or other expenses.
Registering Hide-IP-Browser
Hide-IP-Browser.com grants you a single, non-exclusive license to use the Hide-IP-Browser provided you agree to abide by the terms of this Agreement. Only one user is authorized to use the Hide-IP-Browser on one computer at a time (and not by more than one individual via a network).
You acknowledge that you do not become the owner of Hide-IP-Browser (software, programs and/or documentation). You agree not to transfer, rent, lease, resell, sub-license, reverse engineer, modify, translate, or share the Hide-IP-Browser, diskettes, or manual with any other person or firm.
While efforts are made to deliver high quality products, we do not guarantee software to be free from defects. The software is provided "as is", and you use the software at your own risk. We make no warranties as to performance, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Under no circumstances shall owners of software be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use, misuse, or inability to use this software, including without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, even if Hide-IP-Browser.com has been advised of the possibility of such damages. You are solely responsible for adequate protection and backup of the data and equipment used in connection with this software. Read more...
GoogleSitemapGenerator v1.1.0 download
We all know about the importance of Search Engine Optimisation and how it affects the
ranking of a web site and getting listed on Google's search engine result page.
One way that you can help Google index your site is to create a
Google xml sitemap file. This file describes the files that make up your web site and
provides information about when the files were modified, how often they get modified
and the relative importance of the pages within the web site.
GoogleSitemapGenerator is a free Windows SEO utility for generating Google xml sitemap files.
This invaluable tool is simple to use and ensures your sitemap is accurate and up to date.
Ideal for web site designers and developers.

Getting started
- Download the .msi installer file to your pc. Open the .msi file and follow the
on-screen installation instructions to install GoogleSitemapGenerator. - GoogleSitemapGenerator.exe is a Windows command line program that can be run from a
bat file or launched from your website publishing software. The program is installed in the following
directory by default:
C:\Program Files\LogicMighty\GoogleSitemapGenerator
- Simple command line parameters specify the output sitemap file and the directory containing
your web site files. Easily incorporated into a windows batch file (.bat) for repeated use.
- Program generates an xml sitemap of all the files in your website top level directory and sub-directories.
GoogleSiteMapGen <outputSitemapPath> <url> <dir> <filter>
<outputSitemapPath> | output path of generated sitemap XML file | |
<url> | web site url | |
<dir> | directory path of web site files | |
<filter> | search pattern for filtering files | optional |
<settings> | path of the sitemap settings file | optional |
The sitemap settings file allows you to define the "change frequency" and "priority" of specific
files in your website. GoogleSiteMapGen applies a default "change frequency" of monthly and a "priority"
of 0.2 unless an entry is found in the sitemap settings file. The sitemap settings file also has
the ability of excluding specific web files from the output sitemap. For further details of the
sitemap settings file, scroll down the page.
GoogleSiteMapGen c:\sitemap.xml http://www.logicmighty.co.uk/ c:\website
The above example generates c:\sitemap.xml for all the .htm files in c:\website
and its sub-directories.
GoogleSiteMapGen c:\sitemap.xml http://www.fred.com/ c:\website "*.aspx|*.htm|"
In the above example a filter has been specified to include only the .aspx and .htm files in
c:\website and its sub-directories in the output sitemap.
GoogleSiteMapGen c:\sitemap.xml http://www.fred.com/ c:\website "*.aspx|*.htm|" c:\sitemapsettings.txt
In the above example a site map settings file has been specified.
Sitemap settings file
The sitemap settings file is a text file used to store custom settings for specific web files.
Each line in the text file defines the sitemap settings that will be applied for the specified
web file in the output xml sitemap. The line contains 4 variable length character fields separated
by a pipe character as shown below.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
PicPick is a freeware all-in-one graphics tool for webmasters, designers, software developers or simple home users. It has a screen capture module, color picker, pixel ruler, image editor.
PicPick was recommended to me by Bear Bottoms, and I think I’ll thank him again for that. But let me tell you about the program first and then you’ll decide what I should do.
At a first look I was a little bit puzzled. I said to myself: “OK, is it a screenshot capture program, an image editor, a color picker, what is it?”
PicPick Screenshot 1
I opened the image posted above for editing in PicPick after I captured it with the program that I was using for that purpose, ScreenshotCaptor. PicPick offers basic editing facilities, but they are more than enough if you ask me.
PicPick Screenshot 2
The program also features a pixel ruler, a color picker, a very good screenshot capture module with scrolling support and multi screen support. There is another interesting feature called whiteboard, in which you can draw over your windows before you make the screen capture, and the output image will be processed with the lines you added on top of the window. Cool stuff.
PicPick Screenshot 3
Although it won’t replace The Gimp as my favorite image editor PicPick will definitely be my favorite screenshot capture program for a long time to come.
Version Tested
Operating System
Windows All
Download link
Launchy 2.1.2
Launchy is an open source Windows and Linux program that helps you to launch the program you need without browsing through your Start Menu or looking for a shortcut on your desktop.
I guess you all know about Launchy. If you don’t, download it now, don’t wait until tomorrow. I was a little bit reluctant at first. I thought that I didn’t need a program to launch other programs. After trying Launchy I admit I was wrong.
My desktop is a little bit crowded right now with shortcuts to various programs, but with Launchy that’s not a problem anymore. Just type the first letters of the program you want to launch an you’re there faster than you can say “freeware“.
Launchy will run in the background and you just need to press Alt + Spacebar to use it. I was worried about its memory footprint, because it’s a program that runs in the background, but I checked it and it takes only about 10 MB.
You can customize the shortcut keys and also basically the whole program through the numerous plugins and skins that are available for free.
Version Tested
Operating System
Windows, Linux
Download link
Top 10 Freeware Programs
Hello there my freeware friends! Last week I was thinking about how many freeware programs I have installed in my PC, after the first batch of 51 free programs and the second one of 72 programs installed in the Freeware Mission. I have over 80 freeware programs installed in my Windows XP PC right now, but which of these programs are the ones that I like the most? Or maybe the correct question would be which are the freeware programs that I couldn’t live without? I thought about picking my favorite 10 freeware programs, the programs that I use daily, even several times each day. Let’s see which ones I picked for the top 10…
(you can click on each program name to read a full review of the respective freeware program)
1. Launchy - Almost every time it’s the first program that I run after starting my PC because it makes it a lot easier for me to launch the programs that I want to run. It’s a free lightweight program launcher and I definitely couldn’t see my computer life without it.
2. Google Chrome - Can you live without a web browser? I surely can’t. I noticed that the first thing that I do after starting my PC is opening Google Chrome and answering your comments and emails
Chrome is my favorite web browser, mainly because it’s faster than my former favorite, Mozilla Firefox.
3. Picasa 3 - Another crucial program for me is the image viewer, because I have some photos to see every day. Picasa is my favorite image viewer because it’s fast, reliable and offers me the features that I need.
4. PicPick - When I test freeware programs for this blog I always need a program that can make screenshot captures for me. The program that I’m using for this purpose (and not only for this) is PicPick. It’s a sort of Swiss Army Knife program, including a color picker and pixel ruler along with the screenshot capture capabilities.
5. GOM Media Player - Next up, video files. I guess you play a few video files every day too, so a video player is a must have program in any PC. My favorite is GOM Player - it can handle various file types and subtitles too.
6. Songbird - I couldn’t live without music, and since I’m listening my music almost entirely on the PC I must have a good free audio player. My favorite is Songbird, much more than an audio player, highly customizable and expandable with addons and all sorts of plugins. If you didn’t use it until now you should definitely try it.
7. Glary Utilities - I have to keep my PC running smoothly, so I need a reliable free maintenance program. My pick is Glary Utilities, a powerful all-in-one utility that offers you a registry cleaner, disk cleaner, file splitter, memory optimizer, process manager, and I could go on and on for at least a few minutes. A must have for any Windows powered PC.
8. StarBurn - After eliminating the paid programs from my PC one of the programs that I found difficult to replace was Nero, the DVD burner. I’m glad I found StarBurn, a good free DVD burning program that offers all the features that I need in order not to miss Nero.
9. OpenOffice.org - Microsoft Office? I really don’t need it anymore since I installed OpenOffice.org, a great open source office suite. Don’t even think about buying Microsoft Office, download and use OpenOffice.org for free, it really works very well.
10. Avast - I guess you can’t even think about having a PC without an antivirus program installed. I’ve been using Avast for almost a whole year now and I had absolutely no problems with viruses or with the program. It has a small memory footprint and it did the job for me.
Whoops! Did I pick 10 already? Damn, I would have another 10 or twenty I couldn’t live without. Or maybe even 30 or 40, or maybe even more…
Do you want to download the Freeware Mission Top 10 right now? Well, first download OpenOffice.org from here. And now download the other nine programs
Top 100 FREEWARE Download
Program Name | Downloads | |
1. | AVG AntiVirus Free 8.5.339a1525 Use the AVG Anti-Virus System to reliably protect your computer. | 732078 |
2. | Mario Forever 4.15 A very good remake of the venerable classic game -- Super Mario. | 667455 |
3. | Nexus Radio 3.22 Search and download over 15 million songs directly to your PC. | 552801 |
4. | Youtube Video Downloader 2.1.7 Download videos from YouTube or any website with .flv videos. | 485375 |
5. | DirectX 9.0c Redistributable March 2009 Advanced suite of multimedia APIs built into Microsoft | 477587 |
6. | Knight Online Version 1.708 Knight Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. | 436450 |
7. | Download Accelerator Plus Most Popular Download Manager, 160 million users. | 397584 |
8. | Super 2009 Build 35 Simplified Universal Player Encoder and Renderer is a GUI to ffmpeg, mencoder, mplayer. | 386710 |
9. | AK-Player 5.1.5 Play audio/video files, play multiple videos simultaneously, view images, more. | 364120 |
10. | Little Fighter 2 A fighting game which features adolescents fighting on the street. | 346550 |
11. | Spybot - Search and Destroy Beta Search your hard disk and Registry for threats to your security and privacy. | 345077 |
12. | avast! 4 Home Edition 4.8.1335 Free antivirus for home noncommercial use - scans for viruses, worms and Trojans. | 331237 |
13. | Continuum 0.40 Massively Multiplayer Spaceship Game. | 325778 |
14. | Risingware Exp+ Free Edition 1.15.0 Integrate a Dual-panel File Manager, a Browser Based on IE, and Utilities. | 322608 |
15. | PaintStar v2.70 PaintStar is a versatile digital image processing software. | 307319 |
16. | Stress Relief 2.0 Virtually pound your computer into submission with multiple weapons. | 306443 |
17. | MediaCoder 0.7.0 Build 4399 A free audio/video batch transcoder. | 292778 |
18. | CDBurnerXP Pro CD/DVD burning solution. Includes ISO burning/creation, and a lot more. | 261857 |
19. | FormatFactory 1.85 A multifunctional media converter. Supports video/audio/picture converting. | 240295 |
20. | K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 4.8.5 Includes codecs and related tools needed to play your audio and video files. | 236568 |
21. | Real Alternative 1.9.0 Play RealMedia files without having to install RealPlayer. | 232983 |
22. | Unofficial Windows 98 SE Service Pack 2.1a Contains OS updates for Windows 98 SE. | 229467 |
23. | YouTube Downloader 2.1.7 Software to download and convert YouTube videos. | 223898 |
24. | CheatBook-DataBase 2008 v1.0 Cheat-code tracker for games on the PC and 17 different Consoles. | 220548 |
25. | MPlayer for Windows (2009-05-18) The award-winning OpenSource player available for Windows now. | 219839 |
26. | Folder Protector 5.38 A powerful and easy-to-use program for encrypting and protecting your data. | 204118 |
27. | CCleaner 2.19.901 CCleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. | 203236 |
28. | CheatBook-DataBase 2009 v1.0 Cheat-code tracker for games on the PC and 17 different Consoles. | 202023 |
29. | Norton Antivirus Definition Updates (Windows All) 05-22-2009 Latest virus definition set for Norton Antivirus Products. | 198270 |
30. | Ad-Aware 2007 Free (Updated) Provides you with advanced protection against spyware. | 196337 |
31. | Winamp Full 5.552 Fast, flexible, high-fidelity, skinnable audio/video player for Windows. | 190693 |
32. | Sonic Games 1.0 A nice collection of Sonic games. | 178849 |
33. | BitComet 1.12 A powerful, clean, fast, and easy-to-use bittorrent client. | 161147 |
34. | CheatBook-DataBase 2007 v1.0 Cheat-code tracker for games on the PC, 17 different Consoles. | 157206 |
35. | NTFS4DOS 1.8 (read/write NTFS from DOS) Allows full read/write access to NTFS volumes from DOS for AV or backup. | 155361 |
36. | LimeWire 5.1.3 Search for and share all kinds of files using the Gnutella network. | 148904 |
37. | IrfanView 4.23 A fast free image viewer/converter for Windows. | 145501 |
38. | McAfee SuperDAT Update 5623 Update your McAfee based scan engine and virus pattern. | 139997 |
39. | Street Challenge 1.352 An authentic, free, online multiplayer drag racing simulator. | 138619 |
40. | Windows Media Player 9 Fast, flexible, audio and video player. | 134893 |
41. | Advanced SystemCare Free 3.3.1 A One-Click Free System Utility for PC Maintenance and Protection. | 133066 |
42. | Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition A no-cost, streamlined, easy-to-use development tool for hobbyists, students, and novices. | 128792 |
43. | Zip Password Finder ZIP password finder is a completely free tool to recover zip archive passwords. | 128198 |
44. | Pop-up Stopper v3.1.1014 Block Netscape and Internet Explorer pop-up windows for free! | 127292 |
45. | RipIt4Me A freeware utility that helps you backup your copy protected DVDs. | 126729 |
46. | Gunbound 7.85 Worms-like game that is played with tanks. | 125896 |
47. | WolfenStein Enemy Territory Wage war as Axis or Allies in team-based combat. | 125662 |
48. | Vista Sidebar 2.5 Has gadgets like media players, google, yahoo and more search engines, weather, system uptime, more. | 121550 |
49. | KMPlayer A movie and audio player that supports a wide range of codecs and file formats. | 121364 |
50. | Highway Pursuit v1.1 An action-packed 3d blast through roads filled with enemy agents. | 115460 |
51. | BricoPack Vista Inspirat 1.1 Modifies Windows XP to change its appearance and make it look like Windows Vista. | 112619 |
52. | Image Forge v3.38 Freeware image editing, paint, animation, more. | 110672 |
53. | Daemon Tools Lite 4.30.4 Run Backup Copies of SafeDisc (C-Dilla), Securom or Laserlock protected games. | 105536 |
54. | DVD Shrink v3.2.0.15 DVD Shrink is software to backup DVD discs. | 103968 |
55. | FairUse4WM 1.3 Fix-2 A WM/DRM removal program. | 101806 |
56. | Internet Explorer for Windows XP 7.0 The latest release of Microsoft´s popular Internet Explorer Web browser. | 99456 |
57. | WallCooler 2.1.283 Zero-config bi-directional VPN software: access your computers or networks from anywhere. | 98891 |
58. | Uxtheme Multi-patcher 6.0 Use any 3rd party msstyle theme on Windows XP/SP1/SP2 or Windows Server 2003. | 94552 |
59. | DVD Decrypter Decrypt and copy a DVD to your hard disk. | 94158 |
60. | XnView 1.96.1 Xnview is an easy to use graphics viewer/converter. | 93184 |
61. | Windows Media Player XP 11.0.5721.5145 Discover, download, organize, and play your digital media. | 92495 |
62. | ActivIcons 3.37 Change default icons/cursors, animate, restore positions, more. | 89603 |
63. | Fat32Formatter 1.0 Format drives larger than 32GB to FAT32. | 89541 |
64. | Fighter Factory A program for creation of characters for the game engine of the 2D Mugen fight games. | 89441 |
65. | Free Download Manager - FreewareFiles Edition 2.5.758 Pure free download manager and accelerator. | 88923 |
66. | AIMP 2.60 Build 472 Beta 1 An advanced multimedia player that includes an audio converter, recorder, and tag editor. | 84912 |
67. | Diagram Designer 1.21 Vector graphics editor for creating flowchart and diagrams. | 83182 |
68. | SuperMemo 98 9.3 Software for remembering things better. | 81867 |
69. | SkyCar 3D Desktop Toy Take full control of a 3D interactive M400 Skycar that flies on your desktop. | 80928 |
70. | OBEX Commander v1.9.2 Transfer files between computers and other OBEX capable devices. | 80095 |
71. | ZoneAlarm Keep hackers and data thieves out of your computer. | 79680 |
72. | Eraser v5.86a Erase data permanently. | 79338 |
73. | avast! Virus Cleaner 1.0.211 A free tool that removes the most common viruses and worms from your computer. | 77639 |
74. | Youtube Grabber Download FLV files from youtube. | 77507 |
75. | Microsoft Windows Defender 1593 Remove spyware from your PC and prevent unwanted software from being installed. | 76811 |
76. | Norton Antivirus Definition Updates (Administrators) 05-22-2009 Latest virus definition set for all of the newer Norton AntiVirus products. | 76686 |
77. | FictionSoftware EasyShutDown 1.0.2 Easy instant or delayed restarting, powering down and suspension of your PC. | 76516 |
78. | DVD43Free 4.40 DVD43 removes most copy protection found on movie DVDs. | 75974 |
79. | Mz Vista Force 2.4 Mz Vista Force is a free system tweaker that will boost your PC performance. | 75384 |
80. | Image Analyzer 1.30 Advanced image editing, enhancement and analysis software. | 75307 |
81. | RogueRemover Free 1.24 Remove various rogue antispyware and antivirus utilities. | 74845 |
82. | Vista Codec Package 5.2.6 All the popular codecs compiled into a single pack. | 74753 |
83. | Arcade Classic Arcade Pack v5.10 Play Asteroids, PacMan, Frogger, Hexxagon, Pong, Snake, Space Invaders, Tetris, and TicTacToe on your PC. | 74534 |
84. | K-3D Dev K-3D is a free 3d modeling, animation, and rendering system. | 74514 |
85. | WWK - WorldWide Karts 1 3D full arcade kart game for Windows. | 73930 |
86. | Mozilla Firefox A fast browser that includes tabbed browsing, pop-up blocking, plugins, skins, more. | 73887 |
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